- We are no longer part of the Scourge. 有你在的地方我不会再出现....
- Much as we may take pride on our good taste, we are no longer free to choose things (that) we want. 虽然我们对我们高尚的品味感到非常得意,我们却不再能自由地去选择我们所要的东西。
- We should face up to the fact that we are no longer young. 我们应该勇敢承认和面对我们已不再年轻这一事实。
- But since faith has come, we are no longer under a child-conductor. 但信仰既然来到,我们就不再在儿童导师的手下了
- We are no longer wrapped in lamb's-wool, lulled in Elysium. 随着年事的增高,我们将贮存的欢乐和希望耗竭一空。
- When they ask, the taboo is lifted and we are no longer "song zhonging". 如果他们选择时钟,那就不是我们“送终”了。
- When they ask,the taboo is lifted and we are no longer "song zhonging". 如果他们选择时钟,那就不是我们“送终”了。
- We are no longer a first-class power, we must make our mind to that. 我们不再是第一。
- Now that faith has come, we are no longer under the supervision of the law. 但这因信得救的理既然来到,我们从此就不在师傅的手下了。
- But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster. 25但这因信得救的理,既然来到,我们从此就不在师傅的手下了。
- We were no longer seen as the fat cats asking for welfare. 人们不再把我们看作是一个要求救济的大亨。
- We are no longer living in a feudal society;do we need to cling on to this tradition? 今天,我们已告别封建时代,难道还要死抱为尊者讳的传统不放吗?
- The only change in PHP 5 is that we are no longer bundling the client library itself. 在PHP 5中唯一的改变就是不再绑定客户端库本身了。
- Much as we may pride ourselves on our good taste, we are no longer free to choose the things we want. 尽管我们为自己的绝好鉴赏力感到自豪,但我们已经无法自由地选择我们所需要的东西了。
- Some day, when we are no longer young, when we look back, we will still think of this moment. 某一天,当我们不再年轻,回忆往事时,我们仍会记起这一刻。
- We are no longer angry at our human brothers and sisters for the atrocities of the human dance. 我们不再因为人类之舞中的暴行而对我们的人类兄弟姐妹感到愤怒。
- We are no longer kids, you could say you are alone,but you should never say you are lonely. 我们都不再是小孩子了,所以你可以说你是寂寞的,但是永远莫将孤独挂在嘴边。
- When we are no longer silent, You call us xenophobia and being brain washed. 当我们不再沉默时,你们又说我们仇外,因为全都被洗了脑。
- Due to your delay in delivery, we are no longer in a position to accept your goods. We hereby cancel our order. 由于你方交货延迟,我方不再可能接受你方货物,因此撤销我方订单。
- We are a people no longer subject to foreign rule. 我们是一个不再受外国统治的民族。